Undergraduate and Graduate - UPM

Teaching: Undergraduate and Postgraduate - UPM

Teaching: Undergraduate and Postgraduate - UPM

P.1 Number of Graduate Programs that include the IAR Principles and the DVGT in their curriculum
2 (two)

P.2. Number of modules / subjects that include the IAR Principles and the DVGT
2 (two)

P.3. Number of graduate students who have received training
50 (fifty)

P.4. Number of hours taught on IAR and DVGT Principles in graduate programs 
52 (fifty-two) 

P.5. Equivalence of indicator P.4. in academic credits 
1.9 (one with nine)
Pa Modules of the postgraduate / master programs in which the IAR Principles and the DVGT have been included 
• Planning in the Public Field: from Knowledge to Action 
• Human Development 

Pb Description of the teaching methodology in the postgraduate courses Conferences, Exhibition of case studies, group work and discussion workshops. 

Pc Student profile: countries of origin and undergraduate education 
• Countries: 17 (Germany, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, USA, Ecuador, Spain, France, Greece, Haiti, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru and Sweden, Belgium). 
• Training: - Industrial or Energy Engineers - Agricultural or Forest Engineers - Topographical Engineers - Graduates / Graduates in economics, business management and international studies - Landscape Architecture Architects Graduates / Graduates in Environmental Sciences 

Pd Description of the coherence of the inclusion of IAR and DVGT in the Postgraduate program 
• Planning in the public sphere: from Knowledge to Action. The IAR and DVGT principles are taken as references that can be applied at international and local levels that serve as planning guidelines. 
• Human Development: To deepen current issues in human development, the IAR principles and their relationship with the 2030 Agenda are selected as topics of interest for debate.
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