1.- First approach: Workshop Days on the IAR Principles
In order to make contact with the IAR Principles during the year 2016, workshop days were held with a few Universities and with companies in the agri-food sector. The workshops were organized with sectoral and geographical criteria and were organized in thematic blocks, grouping two or three related IAR principles and with different approaches:
- Territorial research workshops in two selected disadvantaged communities in Latin America (Ecuador and Peru).
- Days for dialogue , reflection and debate with businessmen, academics and civil society actors linked to the agri-food systems in Spain.
- Documentation and archiving: the workshops were documented and the power point presentations, summary documents, minutes of the conference were archived. Likewise, a synthetic document on the experience and main reflections derived from the joint dialogue was produced at the initiative of FAO [3].
2.-Elaboration of Known Case Studies
IAR Principles and their potential, researchers and academics from those few universities were asked to prepare Case Studies gathering experiences related to their application. The Studies consisted of the narration of the experience taking into account:
- The inclusion of a section specifying the alignment of the experience with specific measures of the IAR Principles.
- The case study was oriented to learning and, to the extent of As much as possible, it was written in a way that showed what was working and why, so that it could be adapted to other contexts and replicated on a larger scale. It should also stimulate new ideas by suggesting logical adaptations.
- The generation of teaching materials. The case study format helped, in this first phase, the academic teaching on a pilot basis in those first universities.
- The research that has been originating and that has led to Final Degree or Master's Thesis, doctoral theses and scientific articles.
The result was that at the end of 2016 the following universities had incorporated the IAR principles: the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientae and the Universidad Católica de Murcia from the Case Studies explained above.
3.- Inclusion of the IAR Principles in the academic field
With what is described above and with the work of permeating this knowledge throughout 2017 with the Conferences that were organized in Lima and in Bogotá, they were incorporated into the aforementioned universities : the National University of La Plata (Argentina), the Autonomous University of Nariño of Colombia, the College of Postgraduates of Mexico, the Universidad Nacional Mayor de S Marcos dean of America, the University of Piura and the Universidad Católica Santa María de Arequipa these last three from Peru [4].
With this accumulated experience, a Conference was held in Peru on April 26 and 27, 2018 at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos to respond to the following objectives:
- Bring together 25 Universities from 6 countries (Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Argentina and Spain) with authorities and academic managers (Rectors, Vice-rectors, Deans or Directors of Schools and Directors of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs), promoting dialogue on relevant aspects in relation to IAR principles.
- Presenting and sharing the cases of study generated by the universities described
- Presenting curricular products to officially insert the IAR Principles in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs or Master's Programs, as well as the Research object of doctoral theses that were beginning and where the IAR principles were applied with the corresponding scientific publications Formalize Official Commitment Acts signed by Authorities and academic leaders on the integration of the IAR Principles, with great flexibility in their application given the variety of regulatory systems in the countries.
- The Minutes were formalized over the following months. Fifteen universities from seven countries - Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Spain - signed a joint Agreement to insert the IAR Principles in their own activities: undergraduate teaching, postgraduate teaching, research and extension.
These academic developments were reflected in the Joint Commitment Act signed by the competent academic managers in Lima on October 19, 2018.
4.- Follow-up: Methodological tool
Reporting Each University undertakes to report on compliance with the Commitments, presenting an annual report on the way in which academic activities have been carried out for the inclusion of the IAR Principles reflected in its Act of Commitment. The report will include specific indicators for each type of activity. In order to integrate the information from all the universities, homogeneous indicators are used. Coding of Indicators To facilitate the processing and analysis, each indicator is coded with a two-digit code, following the following criteria: The first digit is a capital letter that refers to the type of activity: G (Grade), P (Graduate), I (Research), E (Extension) and T (transversal activities). The second digit corresponds to: An ordinal number for the quantitative indicators: A lowercase letter (in alphabetical order) for the qualitative indicators List of indicators Proposed indicators for each type of activity. Universities can make use of those indicators, quantitative or qualitative, that are most suitable to reflect the scope of the activities carried out in their compliance report. The indicators are given broken down for each individual activity.