Undergraduate and Graduate - UPS

Teaching: Undergraduate and Graduate - UPS

Teaching: Undergraduate and Graduate - UPS

G.1. Number of Degree Programs that include the IAR Principles and the DVGT in their curriculum

G.2. Number of subjects / subjects that include the IAR Principles and the DVGT (see annex A)

G.3. Number of undergraduate students who have received training on IAR and DVGT 

G.4. Number of hours taught on IAR and DVGT in degree programs 

G.5. Equivalence of indicator G.4. in academic credits 
Ga Name of the Program of the degree subjects in which the IAR Principles and the DVG have been included
a. Environmental Engineering
b. Biotechnology Engineering
c. Veterinary Medicine

Gb Description of the teaching methodology in the undergraduate courses (workshops, presentations, assessment exercises, ...) In accordance with the educational model of the Salesian Polytechnic University and with the model adopted for teacher training, the methodologies are placed in the centrality of the learning process to the subject being educated. Experiential teaching and learning methodologies are prioritized, and practices that are analyzed and reflected from the theoretical approach.
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